Whether or not you’re looking to buy a house, we’ve all heard the stories and know that today’s housing market is an extreme seller’s market. At Hileman Real Estate, we’ve been seeing the impact of higher pricing, quick sales, and cash offers. However, we know it’s still a viable market and great deals are still out there to be found!
As you begin conducting your search for a new home, keep in mind our tips for buying a house in a seller’s market. Reach out to our experienced team of real estate professionals at Hileman Real Estate for more advice!
House Buying in Today’s Tough Market
1. See Listings as Soon as Possible
It’s no secret that houses are selling fast. Many houses are accepting offers in less than a week so it’s imperative to get in and look at a home as soon as you can. This will also help you gather as much information about the house as possible before putting in an offer.
2. Research Mortgage Options
There are many mortgage options available to consider on top of assistance programs, grants, financing loans, etc. Take advantage of the resources available to you and have your finances ready to move quickly in the seller’s market. A pre-approval letter for a loan is a good start, but having the loan pre-underwritten is even better.
3. Complete a Home Inspection
With listings selling so fast, buyers are looking for an advantage anywhere they can get it. Sometimes this comes in the form of skipping the home inspection. However, home inspections are one of the most important aspects of buying a house. Even on a new construction home, inspections can catch easily hidden defects and major issues. Always conduct the appropriate inspections before you buy any property.
4. Have an Experienced Agent
Find an agent who understands today’s market and knows how to navigate it. It’s important to trust your agent knowing that they have experience in the industry and are familiar with the area in which you’re looking. Hileman Real Estate has a full team of agents with knowledge of both the real estate market and of Ocean City, Maryland, Worcester County, and surrounding areas. Contact one of our agents today!
5. Don’t Give Up
Last but not least—don’t give up! Buying a home right now takes work but as a potential home buyer, understand that it is cheaper to buy a home right now than to rent. Plus, good deals still exist! Keep digging and be patient. Eventually, you will come by a property that suits your needs.
Go through the home buying process with the best agents in town! Contact Hileman Real Estate for experienced agents who are here to help you find your dream home. Search our listings and stay up to date with what’s on the market here.